The mobility is one of the aspects that more worries the students when they prepare to study abroad or in another city, especially when it comes to a big metropolis as Madrid

is! Lets discover how to move around Madrid if you live in a student´s residence without wasting hours and hours or spend a fortune on displacement.

As the Earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth, what about you, if you’re studying in another city, you move around the university! It’s inevitable, orbiting around it.

But in a city like Madrid, the radius in which you move can cover many miles, even if you live near the university. In Madrid, the word “close” is very relative, and if you are an Erasmus student: soon you will discover it!

Why should I know what to expect and how to move around Madrid if I live in a student residence?

For a Person from Madrid nearby is an indeterminate distance between 1 and 100 kilometers. And that is due to the large size of the city, with more than 600 km². But if you plan to visit other areas of the Community of Madrid, you must know that the region is, in total, more than 8,000 km².

Also, you the students that leave to another city usually do not take your cars with you, and in Madrid it is definitely a wise choice. For that reason, if you live in a students’ residence, unless you are literally next to the University, mobility is one of the first issues you will have to solve.

But still, as close as you live, in Madrid you have so many places to visit and go sightseeing, also a lot of fun activities to do so if you want to to get to them, you have to find a way to move across the city fast and easy.

Which is the best way to move around Madrid if you live in a university residence?

– But if something has good the city of the Bear and the Strawberry tree, that would be the great offer of means of public transport and the mobility infrastructures for the for other type of private vehicles.


One of the best means of transport in the city. You can reach virtually any corner of Madrid in a matter of minutes.

At first it is possible that you will get lost many times with all of the lines, and it could seems to cause some difficulties with all its mazy tunnels. But once you start using it soon will notice that is actually simple!

One of its biggest advantages is how cheap it goes out.


Although slightly slower, the bus is one of the best options to move around Madrid if you live in a university residence. In fact, that is the best public transport for university students.

It is high developed it is everywhere and it is going everywhere, best part is that the metro and the buses share the same public transport card which you can charge per trips, or monthly.


The cheapest, healthiest and cleanest way to move around the city is, pedaling! In Madrid you have a wide network of cycle routes which would make it easier to move on two wheels.

Furthermore, you have at your disposal BiciMAD, a public service of electric bicycles which use can help you to move across the city easy fast and cheap.

#4.Go on foot (walking)

I’m not kidding. Walking is one of the best healthy habits for college students, which will allow you not only to avoid the problems associated with the student’s sedentary lifestyle, but also to allow you to concentrate better.

So the best way to enjoy, travel, move and catch up with everything in Madrid, but also to had an amazing new experience the best start would be to find the best place to stay during your educational program and where would be better if not good location close to the university.

In Vitium urban suites we have four student flats for rent located in very central areas, near the most important universities of Madrid or very well connected. Comfortable flats with everything you need to have an unbeatable course.
Do you come to study in Madrid? We wait for you!

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