Christmas parties arrive, and students make their obligatory break on these dates. Those who are far from home return to reunite with their relatives, friends and loved ones.

The end of the year is approaching and it´s time to look back to see in perspective everything we have done during 2017 in our blog. What have been the best articles of 2017 in the Vitium blog? Which of them have been read the most during this year?

Being a university student is an adventure, especially if you study abroad! This is the case of our students, who travel from other cities, other autonomous communities, or even other countries in the case of Erasmus! And although it´s a vital experience of going to study abroad it´s very enriching at all levels, it can also be hard at first.

And to help university students who travel to study in the Capital, in Vitium we share all kinds of useful information for the student, as you will see below.

Our compilation with the best articles of 2017

To bid farewell to the year we decided to measure the scope of our publications, to know what are the best articles of 2017, based on the times that have been consulted by our students, followers and the audience in general.

If you have planned to come to study in Madrid, the following compilation can serve as a small guide to very useful content that has previously called the attention of other students like you. Let’s see what they are!

#1. The four best residences of Erasmus students in Madrid

Foreign students have shown, for the most part, that they prefer to stay in student residences with a good reputation, with a good environment for studying and with all the comforts. That’s why they look for “the best”.

In this article, the most read of all, we present our four luxury student flats for students in Madrid, located at:

Gran Vía, 15

Gran Vía, 61

Arenal, 16

Ronda de Segovia, 13

If you know a bit of Madrid or have been documenting to come and study here, you will undoubtedly know that all of them are located in privileged areas of the city. It could not be otherwise according to our philosophy: to offer the best possible accommodation for university students, whatever their origin.

#2. Differences between residences of students and college

As in the previous post, our audience shows great interest in the information content that will help them, in many cases, to decide their destiny as displaced students.

Therefore, the article in which we try to clarify the confusions that many students have about the differences between residences and colleges, has been the second most read.

The confusion between these two types of institutions is very understandable, if we take into account that in both cases accommodation is given to university students who come from other places to train.

If you still do not have it clear, this post will dispel all your doubts once and for all!

#3. The five sacred rules of a student shared flat

In the third place, it seems that the coexistence between students is an issue that worries, or at least interests.

And it´s that coexistence is not always easy, although the experience is always positive, it helps us to mature, to collaborate with others and to work as a team.

In this case, we know that the post also manages to start some laughs among those who are already living this situation of coexistence, and feel irremediably identified with what we have there with some touches of humor … Don´t miss it!

#4. What is a fraternity?

Another of the contents of our blog that has more reading to its credit is the one that talks about the phenomenon of brotherhoods or university fraternities.

The truth is that fraternities are a phenomenon that was born in the United States, in a historical and social context that we discussed in the article.

And although we Spaniards are more of estudiantinas* than fraternities, the closest thing to the brotherhoods that we have here is the certainly fraternal climate that is lived in the university residences and in the colleges. We tell you from experience!

* group of university students who wear ancient clothes and are known for singing, playing and traveling the world thanks to these skills

#5. Five tips for choosing student residence

Choosing a university residence is not something that should be done without prior information, and that seems to think our public to opt for this content, which is in fifth place according to our statistics.

If you are in the process of choosing a student residence, be sure to check this post. We are convinced that it will help you choose wisely.

# 6 Student residence or rental flat?

One of the great dilemmas for the student who comes to Madrid from another part of our geography, or from Europe with the Erasmus program, is to choose between residence or a private rental flat.

If you are making your own list of pros and cons, take a look at this article, the sixth most visited of our blog. It will help you!

# 7 The seven sacred rules for Erasmus in Madrid

And if leaving the nest to study abroad is difficult, it´s even more so if you are an Erasmus student. The language barrier, the distance with yours, the culture shock …

For this reason we published this article, in which we give some advice to European university students who visit us, and who want to make the most of their Erasmus experience, saving the odd shortage in the process.

If you plan to come like Erasmus student to Madrid, you have to read it!

And here we come with the best articles of 2017 in the Vitium Residences blog. Together they can serve as a guide for university students who come to Madrid to complete their training.

From our blog we will continue working to offer you other articles as good as these or even better in 2018.

Have you taken a look? What is your favorite post? Do you like someone else that is not on the list of the most visited? Tell us in the comments!

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Los mejores artículos de 2017 en el blog
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